Survival of the fittest

They say that the path to success is often a long and arduous one (who the they is, is a mystery to me). In this case, I think that statement proves to be true. Because you know why? Our MAD school is located on the top of a very steep hill and so in order to get to our classroom everyday, we have to climb endless flights of stairs just to get there. It doesn’t help that our school is situated at the very end of the campus either, which means that the poor students (that’s us) studying there needs to walk an extra mile just to touch one inch of the floor of the school. Which is really taxing to say the least.

But hey, at least its a great metaphor for life and stuff right?

On the other hand though, its great if you want a good warmup for school so there’s that I suppose… still doesn’t excuse the fact that its super tiring and exhuasting though. Orrr I’m just too unfit- Anywho, this is only a minor setback, there are still many great aspects of this course that heavily outweights the negative so not to worry πŸ˜€ I still recommend joining this course!

Is DMC the right choice for you?

Do you like Media, Arts or Design?

If your answer is yes, then this might be the course for you! In this course, you will be able to showcase your creative and artistic side. You will also get to explore different aspects of the creative media field, from writing to branding. On top of that, you will also get the chance to create your very own typography poster and logo using softwares like Adobe Illustrator! Class activities are mostly interactive as there are no practicals like in Science or Business courses.

However, if you hate to write essays, you are advised not to join this course as it can get quite “wordy” sometimes. Not only, the cost of everything is high such as a MacBook Pro, which is the recommended laptop for this course (most of my money earned during the holidays was used to buy this laptop 😭). Also, if you are thinking of taking this course to escape from Mathematics, DO NOT COME! There is a business module called Branding Fundamentals where you will learn more about the marketing strategies global companies use to promote their brands.

As a freshman who has attended school for almost 6 weeks now, I can’t guarantee that this course isn’t stressful. From what I’ve heard, the level of stress in Poly and JC are roughly the same, with the only difference being the teaching methods between the two institutions. If you learn better hands-on, you can consider coming to this course! Personally, I’m enjoying what I’m learning as I have interest in this course. So make sure to think through carefully and throughly before choosing your course!

A day in our shoes

We’re currently getting closer to the deadlines of our CAs and we’re low-key (ok fine, high-key) stressed to say the least. We’ve got so many projects to complete for the CAs. Fortunately, our teachers are incredibly helpful and they give us useful advice during consultations so that we can improve our work and get that 4.0 gpa (jk but fingers crossed ;] )

Introduction to DMC

What is DMC?

DMC is short form for Diploma in Media and Communication. This course comprises of many modules and as Year 1s, these are the few modules that we are currently taking:

  • Critical and Analytical Thinking
  • Writing Across Media Platforms
  • Visual Communication
  • Introduction to Storytelling
  • Branding Fundamentals
  • Qualitative Research

How is life in DMC so far?

Don’t worry, we are still surviving. The interesting thing about this course is that while there are no examinations, the amount of projects being assigned is startling. Is that a good thing, you may ask. Well, I’m not quite sure. It all depends on the individual I suppose, if you don’t like taking examinations then this may be the course for you πŸ˜‰

One of the things I like about this course though is that there are many interactive activities during lessons. You won’t feel dead during classes unlike Secondary School, where you ζ­»θ―»δΉ¦ (hardcore memorise content for exams but you don’t not learn anything in the end). This course can be said to be a breath of fresh air from the dull and mundane secondary school life.

That’s all for the introduction, if you have any questions regarding this course, do leave them down in the comment section below! See you all in the next blog!